Frequently Asked Questions

May 17, 2018, 3:09 am
Category: Frequently Asked Questions

Why purchase from BuyPremiumKey.Com?

Because we are an Official Reseller! We offer you the simplest & fastest way to upgrade your account and professional transactions!

Is registration on BuyPremiumKey.Com website requested?

No, you can purchase without registration. However, we encourage you to sign up for an account to track your order. The data provided during registration is confidential and shall not be used by any third party.

How can I order?

On homepage, chose the required product or choose directly the service you are interested, and follow the instructions to complete the payment.

What is the lead-time to process my order?

After you successfully pay, we will send you the premium key after 2h-8h. If you have not received your key within the above time period, please contact us, we will process it to you immediately. Delayed because we have to handle a lot of orders for other customers. Thank you so much!

Why hasn’t my order been processed yet?

Your order is in process. If your order has not been processed within 8 hours after your actual on-line payment, please send us an email so we can verify the status of your order.

I didn't receive my voucher after a payment.

  1. Please check your email box, email Spam box, SMS inbox...
  2. If your order has not been processed within 6 hours after your payment, please contact us

Is my credit/debit card information secure? Where is it kept?

  1. Your information is securely stored and encrypted by Payment Gateway, whom handle billions in payments.
  2. Credit card details will be handled securely to ensure confidentiality and that 256 bit SSL encryption is employed to ensure sensitive data is protected during transmission over the internet.

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