Premium Features

  1. Max upload file size: 50000 Mb
  2. Download-Accelerators support: Yes
  3. No downloads captcha
  4. Storage space: No limit
  5. Downloads resume: Yes
  6. No Advertisements


  • NO waiting time
  • Unlimited high speed
  • Resuming downloads


  • NO waiting time
  • Unlimited high speed
  • Resuming downloads


  • NO waiting time
  • Unlimited high speed
  • Resuming downloads


  • NO waiting time
  • Unlimited high speed
  • Resuming downloads


  • NO waiting time
  • Unlimited high speed
  • Resuming downloads


  • NO waiting time
  • Unlimited high speed
  • Resuming downloads


  • NO waiting time
  • Unlimited high speed
  • Resuming downloads

How to activate Premium Key, Coupon Code?

Activate premium key, premium account, Coupon Code.

After you get the Premium Key from reseller, you follow these steps to activate the Premium Key:

  1. You will receive a voucher / coupon like this: ADGETEXCCXGHHF
  2. Login your account or register a new account, if you don't have it.
  3. After login account, please open this link:
  4.  You will see the form -> Add the code and Apply Premium Key

Activate Premium key/code

Thank you for using the service of reseller!

Have a nice day.


What is File.AL?

File.AL is a file hosting provider. We offer online storage/remote backup capacity, sophisticated uploading and downloading tools. 
With File.AL you can host files, images, videos, audio and flash on the same place. 

Whenever you need to send a file that is too large for e-mail, File.AL can help. If you need secure remote storage capacity for off-site backups, File.AL offers solutions for you. If you want to access personal data from a variety of computers and don't want to carry around a USB stick, File.AL is a perfect way of doing so. 

File.AL Free account

File.AL offers fast, secure and reliable data storage that you can access wherever you are. What you need to do is to register and set up your account to use the service and upload your data by a few clicks. Through this site, you can access your storage wherever you are as long as you have Internet connection. You are also allowed to sync all of your gadgets via the site for security purposes. This means that if someone else tried to access your File.AL account, they will not be allowed unless approved by you. This is an essential feature because some people have data that are private or even confidential.

Buy File.AL Premium account

File.AL offers free data storage for people to try the service out first. However, if you are a heavy user and you need maximum security for your data, it is recommended that you upgrade to premium account. The premium account gives you faster download that can reach up to 100 MB per second and gives you unconstrained simultaneous downloads through File.AL servers. Through File.AL premium, you are also able to resume your download and enjoy an ad free website. The main difference between a free account and a premium account is that you do not have to enter captcha codes once you decide to upgrade. Imagine downloading your files in just a few minutes and being able to move them into different storage in seconds - this is what File.AL can do for you.As a free user, you can only go up to as fast as 50 KB per second with your download. You may also encounter problems like errors when trying to download due to the massive amount of File.AL users. If this would be occurred, you need to wait for your turn because the servers are busy catering to other free users. This will all go away if you decide to upgrade to File.AL premium account. This version will be prioritized by our servers as well as the rate of it will double.

Advantages of having File.AL premium key

  1. Max upload file size: 50000 Mb
  2. Download-Accelerators support: Yes
  3. No downloads captcha
  4. Storage space: No limit
  5. Downloads resume: Yes
  6. No Advertisements
  7. Remote URL upload: Yes
  8. No downloads delay

Get premium via paypal, amazon payment, visa/mastercard...

If you want to try our service, you can sign up an account for free today and know the benefits of having an online storage account. If you find the service adequate or even exceeding your expectations, then you can go ahead and upgrade to our premium account. File.AL assures you that you will not regret having upgraded because of the premium service that you will be getting. Try it out today! We are Official File.AL Reseller, You can buy cheap File.AL premium via Paypal. BUY PREMIUM KEY NOW

How to purchase File.AL File Sharing from BuyPremiumKey Reseller

  1. Choose product at homepage.
  2. Add to cart.
  3. Fill your information at checkout page.
  4. Choose your shipping methods and payment methods.
  5. Submit your information.
  6. Delivery your product.

Thank you for choosing and trusting us! Have a nice day!

Keywork: File.AL, File.ALPremium, FileSharingFile.AL, ResellerFile.AL, BuyFile.ALPremiumKey, BuyPremiumKey, File.ALCoupon, File.ALVoucher, File.ALHostingProvider

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