- NO waiting time
- Maximum download speed
High speed downloads
Unlimited parallel downloads
Download files of any size
Downloads start without delay
FileMass.net is a file hosting provider. We offer online storage/remote backup capacity, sophisticated uploading and downloading tools.
With FileMass.net you can host files, images, videos, audio and flash on the same place.
Whenever you need to send a file that is too large for e-mail, FileMass.net can help. If you need secure remote storage capacity for off-site backups, FileMass.net offers solutions for you. If you want to access personal data from a variety of computers and don't want to carry around a USB stick, FileMass.net is a perfect way of doing so.
1. Please register on the site or sign in to your account:
2. Go to "My Account": http://filemass.net/?op=my_account
3. Insert in the field "Apply Premium Key" The premium key that the reseller gave you.
4. Click on the button "Apply" to activate the premium key.
=> Congratulations - now you are a premium user!